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Source: BBC Radio 4 "The Archers" Archers: 2013-04-14 Sunday http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/archers archers_20130414-1920a.mp3

You are listening to Sunday's episode of The Archers from BBC Radio 4.

I wonder if babies have bad dreams.  She looks happy enough now.

Have you not been sleeping well yourself, Brenda?  You look a bit tired.

Oh, no, just ..., you know.  ... ... darts this afternoon.

practicing darts


No. He's not in the team.

You two don't see enough of each other.


He must get quite jealous ... the amount of time you spend around here.

No, that isn't it. Vicky...

Brenda?  Whatever is the matter?  I was only joking here.  Let me take Beth. There, there, sweetheart, shhhhh...

Sorry, I didn't mean to upset her.

You haven't.  I didn't mean to upset you.  Well, surely Tom doesn't really mind you come to see Bethany.

Of course not.  The thing is, um, Vicky, we split up.

Brenda!  Why?

Lots of reasons, but basically, uh, we just want very different things out of life.

Are you sure?  All couples go through these rough patches.

No, this isn't a patch.  It got clearer and clearer to me ... just going different directions.

You told him that?

Yeah.  It was the hardest thing I ever did.  I thought at least it would be relief to stop pretending, but, it's so hard, Vicky.  It's so hard.


Hope I'm not disturbing you.

No, no.

Where is Brenda?

Gone to see Bethany.

Oh. Well, I'm glad I found you on your own.  We really need to talk.

Do we?  What about?

The cows.

Oh, yeah, yeah, of course. Sorry mom.  Ehm, I should have gone with it.  I know.

They are not gonna sell themselves.

Of course not.

Have you rang the auctioneer?

No. Not yet.

Why not?

I just haven't got around to it.  I will.

Tom, this was all your idea.

I know.

I just don't understand.  This is the single most important decision we've taken about Bridge farm for years.

I realize that

you seem

lost interest in it.

I haven't.  Honestly.

bit preoccupied

With what?  How can anything is as important as this? ............ Tom?  Tom, what's the matter?

I'm sorry.  I can't....

Tom, love.  I'm sorry.  What is it?

It is important, mom.

Oh yes, I can see, it must be.  Oh, come on.  You can tell me.

Brenda and me.  We split up.


It's so difficult, the way we're both still living in the same house, making polite conversation like strangers.

I can imagine.

in separate bedrooms now, but,...

anywhere you can go without bumping into one another.

No.  Tom's house is so small.

Tom's house?

Yeah that's what it feels like now.

There's really no way back?

No. It's over.

Oh, Brenda.

So I have to go.  This is just torture.

come here.

Oh Vicky I wasn't hinting.

for a while, but


take Beth out of the nursery.  I wouldn't dream of it.

I suppose ... ... sleep on the settee


Don't be silly.  I'll find somewhere.


come home

not practical.  You see that.

really gonna upset him.

I know

He'll be back soon, and, we can talk how we can help you.

I don't think I can face ...

only want to help

I know but

hard enough telling you.  And dad. ... turmoil his life.

Do you want me to tell him?


You mustn't blame yourself.

Who else is there to blame?  Brenda ... ... the way she feels.

No, but, this children thing.  I know



I supposed

I have guessed then.

How could you?  You saw how much she loved bethany when she arrived.

I thought

was changing her mind


If it did.

But she said that


want children

yeah but, I'm not sure I believe her.

I'm sure she wouldn't say

even to let me down gently?

What do you mean?

She said motherhood wasn't for her.


And she said she didn't want to have children.

Exactly, so,...

Maybe that wasn't exactly the truth.  Maybe the truth was she... she just didn't want to have children with me.

Oh, Tom.

I failed her, mom.  I failed her in every possible way and now it's too late. Mom, what am I gonna do?

Oh, sweetheart, come here. ... be all right.  I promise you.  ... will be all right.


you got a size of



sorry I'm a bit early


That's all right.


No, no.  I wanted to tell you something


All right. About George?

No, no.  It's about me.  I'm, uhm, well, I'm pregnant.

Oh! ... I see ... uh, congratulations.

Thanks.  We are very pleased.

I'm sure you are.  When's its due?

Early October.

Oh, I see you are quite far along then?

last week.

Oh I see.

and of course Clarrie and Eddie.

they were thrilled

so sweet, especially Clarrie.

Was she?

Yeah.  Well, you know


Yeah, I do.  I remember how excited she was when



he was her first grandchild

be the way

she was carrying on.


Of course

get on

So you can tell George?

Yeah, yeah, I can't wait.

But you




as everyone else seems to be




Yeah of course.  Just saying

don't worry

be tactful.

let me know

plan to do it

just in case

pick up the pieces.

honestly, Emma, I'll be careful.



any the less.  I don't see it like that at all.

I'm sure you don't.  Just saying.

quite the opposite.

one of the reasons



brother or sister in common.

I suppose ... will.

must be


lovely for you

came along.


we are all one big happy family.  No wonder Clarrie is thrilled.


So how are Vicky and Bethany?

Fine, fine.

Good.  I bet Bethany is growing now.

Yeah she is.  Tom, I told Vicky.

Oh.  I see.

Sorry.  I just couldn't keep quiet about it any longer.


And I've asked het to tell Dad.



Don't worry.  I understand.  Mom came around this afternoon, and,...

You told her too?


Had she guessed something was wrong?

No, no, no.  She came about the cows.

Oh, right.

But I suppose the fact that I wasn't totally obsessed with them,

a bit of a giveaway

something even more important.  Maybe ... ... realize that sooner.

Please, Tom.  It wasn't just that.

It didn't help.

It was me, too.  You know it was.  Well, we don't need to go over this again.

I'm still trying to take it in.

I've explained it as well as I can.

understand either

Not really.

No?  She's very cross with me?

Of course not.  She's just bemused.

I wouldn't blame her.

Well, I don't think I've made a very good job of explaining it.

It's hard.  We are the only ones who really know what's going on.

Except I didn't, Brenda.

At least

keep talking about it.

Well, not to them, but,...

At least that's over.

It's just starting.

need to tell our friends

around village

... that has to happen, we have to move on.

To what?

I don't know.  But we can't do it while I'm still living here.

Oh Bren, please.

No.  We can't keep having these conversations.

I'll just keep quiet.

No. That's even worse.  I've got to move out.  It's time.


they ... it was rock solid. I really thought they were made for each other.

maybe they were once but, people change.

Not Tom ... ... had his moments when he was younger but, now?  What a...

look after

really did

upset about that

more upset about her.

things must

go really bad.


don't think

exactly.  she just gradually realized.

But we didn't, did we?  I mean, why didn't we see the signs?

Oh maybe we've been too preoccupied with Bethany.  I've been blaming myself for that.

I just wish she told me herself.

Well if you'd been there instead of me, she would have.

I suppose it don't really matter.  The thing is,

she can't stay there.

she says it's torture

must be for both of them.


I wish ... could come here.

So do I.


with us, but she wouldn't

too small, ...

face facts.

We can help her find somewhere to rent.

She can't end up on her own in a flat somewhere, not after what she's just been through.

I agree it's not ideal, but

She needs to be with a family ... like this

you just said

she could stay with Roy and

that would be wonderful

be next door, so we can all keep an eye on her.

Do you think they've got room?

Well, more than we have. ... tell them that, I'm sure they wanna help.